I woke up at 5am, you know why ? Because there's a wedding dinner at Johor. And the worst part was, one of the relatives asked us to have breakfast with there at johor. I was like wth, so early, i thk they forgot we are from kl -.-, then i left kl at freakin 5.30am, just for that breakfast LOL
And of course i slept in the car, for like one hour
when i opened my eyes, left side was palm tree, right side was palm tree
I can do nothing, HAHAHA
We finally reach at 8 something, YAY
And then we had breakfast (:
And my mum told me, we are going to johor's premium outlet
This is the outlet (:
And its still developing, building phase 2

But most of them were all expensive brand haha
And i saw two pairs of shoes at charles and kieth
after 50% discount, 90 dolars, but freakin no size wth wth wth -.-
Hate that, there's only one pair left, not fair at all ARGH
Then went to coffee bean to drink

Mocha ice blend, nice (:
Then after that we went to the wedding ceremony HAHA
I didnt take any pictures there, but the bride was quite pretty
And the song, nothing gonna change my love for you, keeps playing
And the speaker was beside my table -.-
BLA BLA BLA, its holiday and i dont know what should i do,
Studying in the holidays seem so wrong isnt it ?
HAHA, so just gotta relax, and i wanna watch John Carter LOL

I had nothing to do now, right NOW
So i took a picture ahaha
See you at the next post (: